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The SST CLI allows you to build, deploy, test, and manage SST apps.


Install the sst npm package in your project root.

npm install sst@two --save-exact

If you are using our starters, the sst package should already be installed.


Once installed, you can run the commands using.

npx sst <command>

This will run the commands using the locally installed version of SST.

AWS profile

Specify the AWS account you want to deploy to by using the --profile option. If not specified, uses the default AWS profile. Read more about AWS profiles here. For example:

npx sst deploy --profile=production

Where production is a profile defined locally in your ~/.aws/credentials.

Or, use the AWS_PROFILE CLI environment variable

AWS_PROFILE=production npx sst deploy


Let's look at the commands in the SST CLI.

sst dev

Starts up a local development environment for your Lambda functions, powered by Live Lambda Dev. It allows you to make changes and test your functions without having to deploy them.

npx sst dev [options]

In addition to the global options, the following options are supported.


  • --rollback

    Default: true

    By default SST enables rollback on failure. This is so that any mistakes do not leave your infrastructure in an inconsistent state. To override this behavior pass in --rollback=false.

  • --increase-timeout

    Default: Default Lambda function timeout

    Pass in the --increase-timeout option if you want to increase the timeout value for all the Lambda functions in your app to 15 minutes (the maximum value). This gives you more time to inspect your breakpoints before the functions timeout.

    This option is meant to be used when debugging with VS Code or other debuggers that can set breakpoints.

    A couple of things to note when --increase-timeout option is enabled:

    • APIs have a timeout of 30 seconds. So if the Lambda function does not return after 30 seconds, the API request will timeout. However, you can continue to debug your Lambda functions. The request might fail but the breakpoint context is still preserved for 15 minutes.
    • Queues need to have a visibility timeout that is longer than the timeout of the subscribing Lambda function. If the visibility timeout is configured to less than 15 minutes, it'll be increased to 15 minutes as well.

sst diff

Compares the current version of the stacks in your app with the ones that've been deployed to AWS. This can be helpful in doing a quick check before deploying your changes to prod.

npx sst diff [stacks..] [options]

You can diff against a stage.

npx sst diff --stage prod

You can also optionally compare a list of stacks.

npx sst diff stack-a stack-b


  • --dev

    By default, SST will diff against the target stage as it would be deployed using sst deploy. If you are running a stage locally using sst dev, then pass in --dev to diff against the dev version.

sst bind

Bind your app's resources to the given command. This allows the sst/node client to work as if it was running inside the live AWS environment.

npx sst bind <command> [options]

For example, you can start Next.js while connecting to your SST app using npx sst bind next dev.


To pass in additional options to your command you can wrap it in quotes, for example: npx sst bind "next dev -p 3003"

sst bind can be used in several scenarios.

Bind to a frontend framework

You can launch your frontend with all the binding values.

npx sst bind next dev

sst bind auto-detects if any of the below frontend constructs, in the SST app, are linked to the current directory:

When detected, sst bind will load the site's bound resources, environment variables, and the IAM permissions granted to the site.

Bind to a container service

You can start your container service with all the binding values.

npx sst bind node app.js

sst bind auto-detects if any Service constructs created in the SST app are linked to the current directory.

When detected, sst bind will load the service's bound resources, environment variables, and the IAM permissions granted to the service.

Bind to a script

If a frontend framework or container service is not detected in the current directory, sst bind will bind all the resources in your app and use it to run the command.

For example, you can use it to run your tests.

npx sst bind vitest run

You can also use the sst bind to run any scripts.


  • --script

    If SST has detected a frontend framework in the current directory, but you are not starting your frontend, then pass in --script. This is useful when you are running a script inside your frontend directory.

    npx sst bind --script npm run build

sst types

Generates the types for your app's resource in .sst/types. This is faster than running a full sst build because it generate the types without building the assets for your functions and sites. Supports global options.

npx sst types [options]

sst build

Build your app and synthesize your stacks. Builds the assets for your functions and sites. And generates a .sst/dist/ directory with the synthesized CloudFormation stacks.

npx sst build [options]

In addition to the global options, the following options are supported.


  • --to

    Default: .sst/dist/

    Pass in a path for the build output. This lets you split up the deploy process and deploy without having to build the app again.

Build concurrency

SST will build your assets concurrently using the number of cores available. This can be changed using the SST_BUILD_CONCURRENCY environment variable. Where SST_BUILD_CONCURRENCY defaults to the number of cores - 1.

sst deploy

Deploys your app to AWS. Or optionally deploy a specific stack by passing in a filter.

npx sst deploy [filter] [options]

By default, it first builds your app and then deploys it. It also respects the SST_BUILD_CONCURRENCY environment variable.

In addition to the global options, the following options are supported.


  • --from

    Default: none

    Pass in a path for the build output. This lets you split up the deploy process and deploy without having to build the app again.

sst remove

Remove your app and all their resources from AWS. Or optionally remove a specific stack by passing in a filter.

npx sst remove [filter] [options]
Removal Policy

By default, AWS does not remove resources like S3 buckets or DynamoDB tables. To let SST remove these, you'd need to set the default removal policy.

For example, you can remove your entire app for the current stage.

npx sst remove

Or remove it for a specific stage.

npx sst remove --stage dev

Or remove a specific stack in your app.

npx sst remove MyStack

Where MyStack is a stack defined in your stacks code.

sst update

Updates the SST and CDK packages in your package.json to the latest version. Or optionally to the given version.

npx sst update [version] [options]

sst version

Prints the version of SST your app is using. Also, prints the version of CDK that SST is using internally.

npx sst version

When installing additional CDK packages make sure to use the same version as the one from the sst verion command.

sst console

npx sst console [options]

Launches the SST Console to manage stages that are not running locally. It uses your local credentials (or the ones you specify) to make calls to AWS.

For more context; if you run sst dev and fire up the Console, you'll see the logs for the local invocations of your functions. Whereas with the sst console command, you'll see their CloudWatch logs instead. This allows you to use the Console against your production or staging environments.


This command does not instrument your code. It simply uses your local credentials to make calls to AWS.


  • --stage

    Default: Your local stage

    The stage you want connect to. If this is not specified, it will default to your local stage.

    Connecting to a different stage.

    npx sst console --stage=staging

    Using a different aws profile if your stage is in another AWS account.

    npx sst console --stage=production --profile=acme-production

sst secrets

Manage the secrets in your app. This command is meant to be used alongside Config.

npx sst secrets <command> [options]

For example, you can set a secret.

npx sst secrets set MY_SECRET abc

Get the secret.

npx sst secrets get MY_SECRET

And remove the secret.

npx sst secrets remove MY_SECRET

Behind the scenes the secrets are stored in AWS SSM or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, read more about how it works.


  • --fallback

    Default: false

    Set this option if you want to get, set, load, list, or remove the fallback version of a secret. For example, to get the fallback of a secret.

    npx sst secrets get --fallback STRIPE_KEY

    Note that, the fallback value can only be inherited by stages deployed in the same AWS account and region. Read more about fallback values.

sst secrets takes the following commands.

sst secrets get

Decrypts and prints the value of the secret with the given name.

npx sst secrets get <name> [options]

sst secrets set

Sets the value of a secret with the given name.

npx sst secrets set <name> <value> [options]

sst secrets load

Loads secrets from an .env file.

npx sst secrets load <filename> [options]

sst secrets list

Decrypts and prints out all the secrets with the given format; table, json, or env. Where env is the dotenv format. Defaults to table.

npx sst secrets list [format] [options]

sst secrets remove

Removes the secret with the given name.

npx sst secrets remove <name> [options]

sst telemetry

SST collects completely anonymous telemetry data about general usage.

npx sst telemetry <status> [options]

You can opt-out of this if you'd not like to share any information.

npx sst telemetry disable

You can also re-enable telemetry if you'd like to re-join the program.

npx sst telemetry enable

Global options

  • --stage

    Default: Your personal stage

    The stage you want to deploy to. If this is not specified, it will default to the stage configured during the initial run of the CLI. This is cached in the .sst/ directory.

    This option applies to the dev, build, deploy, remove, and secrets commands.

  • --profile

    Default: The default profile in your AWS credentials file.

    The AWS profile you want to use for deployment. Defaults to the default profile in your AWS credentials file.

  • --region

    Default: Stage set in the SST config.

    The region you want to deploy to. Defaults to the one specified in your sst.json. Or uses us-east-1.

    This option applies to the dev, build, deploy, remove, and secrets commands.

  • --verbose

    Default: false

    Prints verbose logs.

  • --role

    ARN of the IAM Role to use when invoking AWS. This role must be assumable by the AWS account being used.

    This option applies to the start, deploy, and remove commands.