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Resource Binding

Access the resources in your app in a secure and typesafe way.


Resource Binding allows you to connect your infrastructure to your frontends and functions. This is done in two steps:

  1. Bind a resource to your frontend or API through the bind prop.
  2. Use the sst/node package to access the resource in your function.

Quick start

To see how Resource Binding works, we are going to create an S3 bucket and bind it to a Next.js frontend.

To follow along, you can create a new SST app by running npx create-sst@two. Alternatively, you can refer to this example repo that's based on the same template.

  1. To create a new bucket, open up stacks/Default.ts and add a Bucket construct below the NextjsSite.

    const bucket = new Bucket(stack, "public");

    You'll also need to import Bucket at the top.

    import { Bucket } from "sst/constructs";
  2. Then, bind the bucket to the site.

    const site = new NextjsSite(stack, "site", {
    path: "packages/next",
    + bind: [bucket],
  3. Now we can access the bucket's name in our frontend using the Bucket helper. Add this to packages/next/pages/index.ts to generate a presigned URL.

    import crypto from "crypto";
    import { Bucket } from "sst/node/bucket";
    import { S3Client, PutObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
    import { getSignedUrl } from "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner";

    export async function getServerSideProps() {
    const command = new PutObjectCommand({
    ACL: "public-read",
    Key: crypto.randomUUID(),
    Bucket: Bucket.public.bucketName,
    const url = await getSignedUrl(new S3Client({}), command);

    return { props: { url } };

    And install the AWS SDK for this example.

    npm install --save @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner

    That's it!


Since we are dealing with sensitive info, resource binding is only supported in the frontend's server side functions. To access these on the client side, check out the section below.

While we are using the NextjsSite in this example, resource binding is supported in all SST functions and SSR frontends. With the exception of the RemixSite, since Remix does not fully support top-level await yet.


Let's take a look at some of the key features of Resource Binding, and how it makes building apps fun and easy again.


In the above example, the Bucket object that's imported from sst/node/bucket is typesafe. Your editor should be able to autocomplete the bucket name public, as well as its property bucketName.

Behind the scenes

Let's take a look at how this is all wired up.

  1. First, the sst/node/table package predefines an interface.

    export interface BucketResources {}
  2. When SST builds the app, it generates a type file and adds the bucket name to the BucketResources interface.

    import "sst/node/bucket";
    declare module "sst/node/bucket" {
    export interface BucketResources {
    public: {
    bucketName: string;
  3. So when the Bucket object is imported from sst/node/bucket, it has the type BucketResources.

Error handling

If you reference a resource that doesn't exist in your SST app, or hasn't been bound to the frontend, you'll get a runtime error.

For example, if you forget to bind the bucket to the site, you'll get the following error when the function is invoked.

Cannot use Bucket.public. Please make sure it is bound to this function.


When testing your code, you can use the sst bind CLI to bind the resources to your tests.

sst bind vitest run

This allows the sst/node helper library to work as if it was running inside a Lambda function.

Read more about testing and learn about the sst bind CLI.


When a resource is bound to a Lambda function, the permissions to access that resource are automatically granted to the function.


Here, by binding the bucket to the site, the frontend is able to perform file download, upload, delete, and other actions against the bucket.

Behind the scenes

An IAM policy is added to the Lambda function's role, allowing it to perform s3:* actions on the S3 bucket's ARN.

The IAM policy statement looks like:

"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::{BUCKET_NAME}", "arn:aws:s3:::{BUCKET_NAME}/*"],
"Effect": "Allow",

To customize the policy statement, specify the desired actions and resources during binding:

{ resource: bucket, permissions: [{ actions: ["s3:GetObject"], resources: [`${bucket.arn}/*`] }] }

The IAM policy statement looks like:

"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::{BUCKET_NAME}/*",
"Effect": "Allow",

Construct support

Resource Binding works across all SST constructs. Here are a few more examples.

  • DynamoDB table name

    import { Table } from "sst/node/table";

  • RDS cluster data

    import { RDS } from "sst/node/rds";


See the full list of helpers.

Binding other resources

So far we've seen how Resource Binding allows your frontend to access values from other SST constructs. But there are 2 other types of values you might want to access in your frontend.

  1. Secrets, because you can't define the value of the secrets in your frontend.
  2. Values from non-SST constructs, for example static values or values from CDK constructs.

For these you can use Config. Here are a couple of examples.

Binding secrets

To bind a secret to our frontend, start by creating a Config.Secret construct.

const STRIPE_KEY = new Config.Secret(stack, "STRIPE_KEY");

And continuing with our example, bind it to the site.

const site = new NextjsSite(stack, "site", {
path: "packages/next",
+ bind: [STRIPE_KEY],

Now set the secret value using the SST CLI.

npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

And access the value in the function.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";


You can read more about secrets.

Binding CDK resources

Assuming you have an ECS cluster in your app and you need to pass the cluster name to your function.

Since SST doesn't have a construct for ECS, create a Config.Parameter construct with the cluster name being the value.

const cluster = new ecs.Cluster(stack, "myCluster");

const MY_CLUSTER_NAME = new Config.Parameter(stack, "MY_CLUSTER_NAME", {
value: cluster.clusterName,

Then bind it to the site from our example.

const site = new NextjsSite(stack, "site", {
path: "packages/next",
+ bind: [MY_CLUSTER_NAME],

And you can access the value in your function.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";


Client side access

So far we've looked at how you can use the sst/node client in your functions or in your frontend's server side functions. But there might be cases where you want to access something on the client side.

To do this, you can pass props from the server functions to the client side. Using the example from above.

export async function getServerSideProps() {
return {
props: {
bucketName: Bucket.public.bucketName,

Be careful not to pass any secrets or sensitive info to the client.

We can read the bucket name in the getServerSideProps function and pass it as a prop to our component.

export default function Home({ bucketName }: { bucketName: string }) {
// Render component

Alternatively, you can set directly set client side environment variables.

Client side environment variables

However, Frontends (like Next.js, Remix, etc.) can read from an environment variable purely on the client side. SST supports setting these client side environment variables as well.

This is useful if you have a completely static frontend and you want to pass in the outputs of other constructs in your SST app. Let's look at how.

Imagine you have an S3 bucket created using the Bucket construct, and you want to access the name of the bucket in your client side code. You can use the environment property in your NextjsSite construct.

const bucket = new Bucket(stack, "Bucket");

new NextjsSite(stack, "Site", {
environment: {
NEXT_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME: bucket.bucketName,

Now you can access the bucket's name in your client side code.


In Next.js, only environment variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ are available in your client side code. Read more about using environment variables.

How it works

When a resource is bound to a Lambda function, the resource values are stored as environment variables for the function. In our example, the bucket name is stored as a Lambda environment variable named SST_Bucket_bucketName_myBucket.

At runtime, the sst/node/bucket package uses top-level await to read the value process.env.SST_Bucket_bucketName_myBucket and make it accessible via Bucket.myBucket.bucketName.

SST also stores a copy of the bucket name in AWS SSM. In this case, an SSM parameter of the type String is created with the name /sst/{appName}/{stageName}/Bucket/myBucket/bucketName, where {appName} is the name of your SST app, and {stageName} is the stage. The parameter value is the name of the bucket stored in plain text.

Storing the bucket name in SSM might seem redundant. But it provides a convenient way to fetch all the bound resources in your application. This can be extremely useful for testing. This isn't possible when using Lambda environment variables and we are going to see why.

Binding sensitive values

When binding resources that contain sensitive values, placeholders are stored in the Lambda environment variables. The actual values are stored inside SSM. At runtime, the values are fetched from SSM when the Lambda container first boots up using top-level await. And the values are cached for subsequent invocations. This is similar to how Config.Secret works.


When running sst build, sst deploy, or sst dev, types are generated for the defined resources and Config properties in the .sst directory.


If you are using one of our starters, this should be done automatically for you.

To use these types, place the following sst-env.d.ts file in any package that needs the types.

/// <reference path="../.sst/types/index.ts" />

Make sure you specify the path to the .sst directory correctly. With this in place, your IDE should recognize the generated types and autocomplete them.

Client side environment variables

On sst deploy client side environment variables will first be replaced by placeholder values, ie. {{ NEXT_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME }}, when building the Next.js app. And after the S3 bucket has been created, the placeholders in the HTML and JS files will then be replaced with the actual values.


Since the actual values are determined at deploy time, you should not rely on the values at build time. For example, you cannot reference process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME inside getStaticProps() at build time.

There are a couple of workarounds:

  • Hardcode the bucket name
  • Read the bucket name dynamically at build time (ie. from an SSM value)
  • Use fallback pages to generate the page on the fly

Note that since edge functions don't support Lambda environment variables, the above token replace method is also used.

Working locally

Resource binding works a little differently for the frontend sites because SST does not run them locally. Instead you wrap your frontend local dev command with sst bind. For example, you run sst bind next dev for Next.js.

"scripts": {
"dev": "sst bind next dev",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"

Note that, sst bind only works if the Next.js app is located inside the SST app or inside one of its subdirectories. For example:


There are a couple of things happening behind the scenes here:

  1. The sst dev command generates stores all the bound resources and environment variables in your AWS account as something called the stack metadata.
  2. The sst bind CLI loads these environment variables and sets them for your frontend's local development environment. It also gets an IAM role similar to the one that your SSR function will have when deployed.
  3. When you call sst/node in your frontend, it'll use the IAM role to fetch the resources you are trying to access from the stack metadata.


Resource Binding values are stored in AWS SSM with the Standard Parameter type and Standard Throughput. This makes AWS SSM free to use in your SST apps. However when storing a Config.Secret the value is encrypted by AWS KMS. These are retrieved at runtime in your Lambda functions when it starts up. AWS KMS has a free tier of 20,000 API calls per month. And it costs $0.03 for every 10,000 subsequent API calls. This is worth keeping in mind as these secrets are fetched per Lambda function cold start.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Resource Binding.

Resource Binding or Lambda environment variables?

Prior to Resource Binding, people used Lambda environment variables to pass information to their functions.

Aside from the lack of typesafety and error handling, Lambda environment variables have a few drawbacks. Imagine you have a Lambda function that looks like this.

export const handler = async () => {
if (process.env.TOPIC_NAME !== "UserUpdated") {

// ...

Where TOPIC_NAME is stored as a Lambda environment variable. You'll need to handle the following:

  1. When testing this function, locally or in your CI, you need to figure out the value for TOPIC_NAME and set it as an environment variable.

  2. In addition, imagine you have another function that also has a TOPIC_NAME Lambda environment variable, but with a different value.

    export const handler = async () => {
    if (process.env.TOPIC_NAME !== "InvoiceCharged") {

    // ...

    What should the TOPIC_NAME be in your tests?

With Resource Binding, the value for the topic name is also stored in SSM. When running tests, SST can automatically fetch this from SSM using the sst bind CLI.

Does this make my Lambda functions slower?

No. The resource values are stored as environment variables for the function. At runtime, reading from environment variables is instantaneous.

For sensitive values, the values are stored in AWS SSM. When the Lambda container first boots up, the values are fetched from SSM and are cached for subsequent invocations.

What if I'm not using Node.js runtime?

For non-Node.js runtimes, you can continue to use Lambda environment variables.

If you want to use Resource Binding, you would need to read the bound values from the Lambda environment variable and AWS SSM directly. Refer to the sst/node package to see how it is done in Node.js.