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Cron Jobs

Add a cron job to your SST app.


SST makes it very easy to add serverless cron jobs to your app.

  1. Add a construct and define the schedule
  2. Create the function that'll get run

Let's look at how to do this in detail.

Get started

Start by creating a new SST + Next.js app by running the following command in your terminal. We are using Next.js for this example but you can use your favorite frontend.

npx create-sst@two --template standard/nextjs

Add the construct

Add the construct to your stacks.

new Cron(stack, "cron", {
schedule: "rate(1 minute)",
job: "packages/functions/src/cron.handler",

This defines a cron job that'll run every minute and points to the function that will be invoked.


The fastest rate a cron job can be run is every minute.

Make sure to import the Cron construct.

- import { StackContext, NextjsSite } from "sst/constructs";
+ import { Cron, StackContext, NextjsSite } from "sst/constructs";

Add the handler

Let's add the function that'll be invoked. Create a file in packages/functions/src/cron.ts.

export async function handler() {
console.log("Running my cron job");

Once your app updates, you'll notice the logs being printed out every minute in your terminal.

Cron schedule

There are a couple of ways to specify the schedule of a cron job.

Rate expressions

Rate expressions are the simplest way to do it. Here are some sample rate expressions:

  • rate(1 minute)
  • rate(5 minutes)
  • rate(1 hour)
  • rate(12 hours)
  • rate(1 day)
  • rate(7 days)

If the value is equal to 1, then the unit must be singular. If the value is greater than 1, the unit must be plural.

Cron expressions

Alternatively, you can specify a cron expression to have it run at specific times, ie. every day at 12:00pm.

schedule: "cron(0 12 * * ? *)",

All cron expressions use the UTC+0 time zone.

Here are some example cron expressions:

MinutesHoursDay of monthMonthDay of weekYearDescription
010**?*Run at 10:00 am every day
1512**?*Run at 12:15 pm every day
018?*MON-FRI*Run at 6:00 pm every Monday through Friday
081*?*Run at 8:00 am every 1st day of the month
0/15***?*Run every 15 minutes
0/10*?*MON-FRI*Run every 10 minutes Monday through Friday
0/58-17?*MON-FRI*Run every 5 minutes Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:55 pm
0/3020-2?*MON-FRI*Run every 30 minutes Monday through Friday between 10:00 pm on the starting day to 2:00 am on the following day

You can read more about the cron expressions syntax.

And that's it! You can now add cron jobs to your app. If your function needs to run for longer than the Lambda timeout, you can trigger a long running job.