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Configuring SST

SST is configured using a TypeScript config file — sst.config.ts

File structure

The sst.config.ts file is placed at the root of your application, typically in the top most directory in your repo.

While it's defined as a TypeScript file, it should not be treated as a subpackage in a monorepo setup. It is a root level config used for managing your entire application.

Basic config

Here's what a minimal config looks like.

import type { SSTConfig } from "sst";

export default {
config(input) {
return {
name: "myapp",
region: "us-east-1",
stacks(app) {},
} satisfies SSTConfig;

It takes a config and a stacks function. While the SSTConfig type provides typesafety for the configuration object.

Config function

The config function receives a global input object — this may contain any settings the user passes through the CLI options. These may include:

  • stage Stage to use
  • region AWS region to use
  • profile AWS profile to use
  • role AWS role to assume for calls to AWS

These fields will only have values if the user explicitly passes them through the CLI options. You can use these flags to implement any kind of logic to run before returning a configuration.

For example, you can use a different profile based on what stage is being used.

config(input) {
return {
name: "myapp",
profile: input.stage === "production"
? "myapp-production"
: "myapp-dev"

Config options

Here's the full list of config options that can be returned:

  • name The name of your application
  • stage The stage to use*
  • region AWS region to use*
  • profile AWS profile to use*
  • role AWS role to use*
  • ssmPrefix SSM prefix for all SSM parameters that SST creates
  • advanced
    • disableParameterizedStackNameCheck Disable the check for stack names to be parameterized with the stage name.
    • disableAppModeCheck Disables the confirmation prompt when switching between sst deploy and sst dev deployment modes. If set to true, the prompt will be suppressed when changing modes.
  • bootstrap
    • bucketName The name to use for the SST bootstrap bucket
    • stackName The name to use for the SST bootstrap stack
    • stackDescription The description to use for the SST bootstrap stack
    • tags Tags to use for the SST bootstrap stack
    • useCdkBucket Use the S3 bucket created by the CDK bootstrap process instead of creating a new one
  • cdk
    • bootstrapStackVersionSsmParameter The name of the SSM parameter which describes the bootstrap stack version number
    • cloudFormationExecutionRole IAM role assumed by the CloudFormation to deploy
    • customPermissionsBoundary The name of the IAM permissions boundary policy to use for the CDK toolkit stack and SST bootstrap stack
    • deployRoleArn: IAM role used to initiate a deployment
    • fileAssetPublishingRoleArn IAM role used to publish file assets to the S3 bucket
    • fileAssetsBucketName The name of the CDK toolkit bucket
    • imageAssetPublishingRoleArn IAM role used to publish image assets to the ECR repository
    • imageAssetsRepositoryName The name of the ECR repository for Docker image assets
    • lookupRoleArn IAM role used to look up values from the AWS account
    • pathMetadata Add CDK path metadata to templates. This enables the CDK Construct tree view in the CloudFormation console. Default false.
    • publicAccessBlockConfiguration Block public access configuration on the CDK toolkit bucket and SST bootstrap bucket
    • qualifier The qualifier for the CDK toolkit stack
    • toolkitStackName The name of the CDK toolkit stack

*These won't take effect if the CLI flag for it is specified.

Stacks function

The stacks function is the entry point for your SST application. This is where you can specify the stacks that contain the resources that you want to deploy.

You can either do this inline, like so.

stacks(app) {
app.stack(function MyStack({ stack } ) {
new Bucket(stack, "public")

Where Bucket is from import { Bucket } from "sst/constructs".

Or you can organize them as separate files.

stacks(app) {

Where you might place your stacks code in a separate directory.

import { MyStack } from "./stacks/my-stack";
import { MyOtherStack } from "./stacks/my-other-stack";

Again as noted above, these aren't meant to be a subpackage in your monorepo. The stacks/ directory in this example is just a convenient way to organize your files.