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Built-in support for securely managing environment variables and secrets.


SST has a built-in way to connect your frontend and functions to your infrastructure, called Resource Binding. However, there are a couple of cases where you need to manually pass in some info.

You can do this using Config. It allows you to pass in:

  1. Secrets: Sensitive values that cannot be defined in your code. You can use the sst secrets CLI to set them.
  2. Parameters: Values from non-SST constructs, ie. static values or CDK constructs.

Once defined you can access these in your frontend or functions using the sst/node/config package.

Get started

Start by creating a new SST + Next.js app by running the following command in your terminal. We are using Next.js for this example but you can use your favorite frontend.

npx create-sst@two --template standard/nextjs

Let's define some config values and load them in our frontend.

Define a secret

Add a secret to your stacks.

const STRIPE_KEY = new Config.Secret(stack, "STRIPE_KEY");

We don't set the values for the secret in your code.

Define a parameter

Add a parameter to your stacks.

const VERSION = new Config.Parameter(stack, "VERSION", {
value: "1.2.0",

Unlike the secret, we are setting the value of a parameter in code.

Add the imports

Import the Config construct at the top.

- import { StackContext, NextjsSite } from "sst/constructs";
+ import { Config, StackContext, NextjsSite } from "sst/constructs";

Bind the config

Let's bind the secret and parameter to our Next.js app.

const site = new NextjsSite(stack, "site", {
path: "packages/web",

This allows Next.js app to access them.

Set the secret value

Then in your terminal set a value for the secret.

npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

We use the sst secrets CLI.

Load the config

Now you can access the secret and parameter in your Next.js app.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";

export async function getServerSideProps() {
console.log(Config.VERSION, Config.STRIPE_KEY);

return { props: { loaded: true } };

The Config client is imported from sst/node/config, not sst/constructs.

How it works

Let's take a look at how secrets and parameters work behind the scenes.


Behind the scenes, secrets are stored as AWS SSM or AWS Systems Manager Parameters in your AWS account. When you run:

npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

An SSM parameter of the type SecureString is created with the name /sst/{appName}/{stageName}/Secret/STRIPE_KEY/value, where {appName} is the name of your SST app, and {stageName} is the stage you are configuring for. The parameter value sk_test_abc123 gets encrypted and stored in AWS SSM.


You can set a secret for another stage using the --stage option.

By default, the sst secrets CLI acts on your current local stage. To set a secret for another stage (say prod), you can use the --stage option.

npx sst secrets set --stage prod STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

Function handler

And when you pass secrets into a function.

new Function(stack, "MyFunction", {
handler: "lambda.handler",
bind: [STRIPE_KEY],

It adds a Lambda environment variables named SST_Secret_value_STRIPE_KEY to the function. The environment variable has a placeholder value __FETCH_FROM_SSM__ to indicate that the value for STRIPE_KEY needs to be fetched from SSM at runtime using top-level await.

Top-level await

At runtime when you import the Config package in your function.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";

It performs a top-level await to fetch and decrypt STRIPE_KEY from SSM. Once fetched, you can reference Config.STRIPE_KEY directly in your code.


Due to the use of top-level await, your functions need to be bundled in the esm format. This is the default in SST v2. Here's how to set it explicitly.

Note that the secret values are fetched once when the Lambda container first boots up, and the values are cached for subsequent invocations.

Error handling

If you reference a secret that hasn't been set in the bind prop for the function, you'll get an error. For example, if you reference something like Config.XYZ and it hasn't been set; you'll get the following runtime error.

Config.XYZ has not been set for this function.


The Config object in your Lambda function code is also typesafe and your editor should be able to autocomplete the options.

Updating secrets

Secret values are not refetched on subsequent Lambda function invocations. So if the value of a secret changes while the Lambda container is still warm, it'll hang on to the old value.

To address this, SST forces functions to refetch the secret when its value changes. So when you run:

npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

SST looks up all the functions using STRIPE_KEY. And for each function, SST sets a Lambda environment variable named SST_ADMIN_SECRET_UPDATED_AT with the value of the current timestamp. This will trigger the Lambda containers to restart. If a container is in the middle of handling an invocation, it will restart after the invocation is complete.

Fallback values

Sometimes you might be creating ephemeral stages or preview environments from pull requests. It can be annoying to manually set the value of a secret for these stages especially because they might all be using the same value.

To make this easier, you can set a fallback value for a secret. And if its value isn't set for a stage, it'll use the fallback value instead.


Set a fallback value for your secret so you don't have to set them for ephemeral stages.

In the above example, it's likely all the dev stages share the same STRIPE_KEY. So set a fallback value by running:

npx sst secrets set --fallback STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

Similar to the set command, SST creates an AWS SSM Parameter of the type SecureString. And the parameter name in this case is /sst/{appName}/.fallback/Secret/STRIPE_KEY/value.


The fallback value can only be inherited by stages deployed in the same AWS account and region.

If a function uses the STRIPE_KEY secret, but neither the secret value or the fallback value has been set, you'll get a runtime error when you import sst/node/config.

The following secrets were not found: STRIPE_KEY


Behind the scenes, parameters are stored as Lambda environment variables. When you pass a parameter into a function:

new Function(stack, "MyFunction", {
handler: "lambda.handler",

A Lambda environment variable is added to the function, named SST_Parameter_value_USER_UPDATED_TOPIC with the value of the topic name.

Function handler

At runtime when you import the Config package in your function.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";

It reads the value from process.env.SST_Parameter_value_USER_UPDATED_TOPIC and assigns it to Config.USER_UPDATED_TOPIC. You can then reference Config.USER_UPDATED_TOPIC directly in your code.

Copy to SSM

SST also stores a copy of the parameter value in AWS SSM. For each parameter, an SSM parameter of the type String is created with the name /sst/{appName}/{stageName}/parameters/USER_UPDATED_TOPIC, where {appName} is the name of your SST app, and {stageName} is the stage. The parameter value is the topic name stored in plain text.

Storing the parameter values in SSM might seem redundant. But it provides a convenient way to fetch all the parameters used in your application. This can make it easy to test your functions. Read more about how SST uses Config to make testing easier.

Error handling

If you reference a parameter that hasn't been set in the bind prop, you'll get an error. For example, if you reference something like Config.XYZ and it hasn't been set; you'll get the following runtime error.

Config.XYZ has not been set for this function.


The Config object in your Lambda function code is also typesafe and your editor should be able to autocomplete the options.

Default values

By default the app name and the current stage are also made available in the Config object as well.

import { Config } from "sst/node/config";


Other options

The sst/node package only supports Node.js functions. For other runtimes, SST supports loading environment variables using dotenv.


If you are using Python, check out this community contributed snippet on using Config in your functions.


The .env support in SST is similar to what Create React App and Next.js do for environment variables. For example if you add the following .env file to your project root.


SST will load the process.env.TABLE_READ_CAPACITY and process.env.TABLE_WRITE_CAPACITY variables into the Node.js environment; automatically allowing you to use them in your CDK code.


If you are using JavaScript or TypeScript, it's strongly recommended that you use Config instead of .env.

Types of .env files

Aside from the default .env file, there are a couple of other types of .env files. You can use them to better organize the environment variables in your SST app.

  • .env.{stageName}

    You can add a .env.{stageName} file to override the default values for a specific stage. For example, this overrides the value for the prod stage:
  • .env*.local

    You can also add .env.local and .env.{stageName}.local files to set up environment variables that are specific to your local machine.

Here's the priority in which these files are loaded. Starting with the one that has the highest priority.

  3. .env.local
  4. .env

Assume that the current stage is dev.

Committing .env files

The .env and .env.{stageName} files can be committed to Git. On the other hand, the .env.local and .env.{stageName}.local shouldn't.

The .env*.local files are meant to specify sensitive information specific to your machine. They should be ignored through the .gitignore file.


Don't commit any .env files to Git that contain sensitive information.

Note that, SST doesn't enforce these conventions. They are just guidelines that you can use to organize your environment variables. Similar to the ones used by Create React App and Next.js.

Expanding variables

SST will also automatically expand variables ($VAR). For example:


If you are trying to use a variable with a $ in the actual value, it needs to be escaped, \$.


# becomes "Hi Spongebob"

# becomes "Hi $NAME"

Other environment variables

The .env environment variables will not modify an environment variable that has been previously set. So if you run the following:

npx sst deploy

While your .env has.


The .env value will be ignored and process.env.NAME will be set to Spongebob.

Environment variables in Seed

The above idea also applies to environment variables that are set in Seed or other CIs. If you have an environment variable set in Seed, it'll override the one you have set in your .env files.

Environment variables in Lambda functions

The .env environment variables are only available in your infrastructure code.

You can also set them as Lambda environment variables by including them in the Function environment prop:

new Function(stack, "MyFunction", {
handler: "src/api.main",
environment: {
MY_ENV_VAR: process.env.MY_ENV_VAR,

Or you can use the App's setDefaultFunctionProps method to set it for all the functions in your app.

export default function main(app) {
environment: { MY_ENV_VAR: process.env.MY_ENV_VAR },

new MySampleStack(app, "sample");


Here are some frequently asked questions about Config.

How much does it cost to use Config?

Secrets and Parameters are stored in AWS SSM as Standard parameters by default. This makes Config free to use in your SST apps. However when storing a Config.Secret the value is encrypted by AWS KMS. These are retrieved at runtime in your Lambda functions when it starts up. AWS KMS has a free tier of 20,000 API calls per month. And it costs $0.03 for every 10,000 subsequent API calls. This is worth keeping in mind as these secrets are fetched per Lambda function cold start.

Note that Standard parameters have a content size limit of 4KB. If your secrets exceed this size, they will be stored as Advanced parameters, which can store up to 8KB. Each advanced parameter costs roughly $0.05 per month.

Should I use Config.Secret or .env for secrets?

Although SST supports managing secrets using .env files, it's not recommended. Here are a couple of reasons why.

Let's take the example of a Stripe secret key. Using the .env way, you would create a .env.local file on your local.


Since the .env.local file is not committed to git, every team member working on the app would need to create a similar .env.local file. And they'll need to bug you to get the value.

If you want to deploy the app through your CI pipeline, you'll need to store the STRIPE_KEY in your CI pipeline. In addition, if you are deploying to multiple stages through your CI pipeline, each stage would need its own STRIPE_KEY, you'd store both versions of the key (ie. STRIPE_KEY_STAGE_FOO and STRIPE_KEY_STAGE_BAR), and pick the one that matches the stage name at deploy time.

All these are made simpler and far more secure, with Config. You set the secrets centrally for all stages:

npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123
npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_live_xyz456 --stage foo
npx sst secrets set STRIPE_KEY sk_live_xyz789 --stage bar

You can also set a fallback value for ephemeral stages.

npx sst secrets set --fallback STRIPE_KEY sk_test_abc123

At runtime, the functions are going to pick up the correct value based on the stage, whether they are running locally, inside a test, or in production.

Finally, the Config object in your Lambda function handles errors and is typesafe. So unlike process.env, Config.STRIPE_KEY will autocomplete. And an invalid secret like Config.XYZ will throw a runtime error.